Good day to all our cherished listeners and donors of Come and See Ministries. We are deeply grateful for your unwavering support and prayers. Your generosity has been the backbone of our journey, and we cannot thank you enough for that. However, it is with a heavy heart that we announce the discontinuation of our weekly radio broadcast of the 'Come and See Ministries' radio program. This decision was not made lightly, and we share in the sadness that this news brings. Sunday, July 28th will be our last program. Despite this change, we want to take a moment to express our profound appreciation for the owner and staff of KAAM. Their dedication and hard work have made these years a joyous and fulfilling journey. While we may no longer be on the airwaves, we are excited to inform you that you can continue to hear Thomas Q's powerful and relevant messages on our website at We believe his words will continue to inspire and resonate with all of you. Thank you once again for your support and understanding. We look forward to continuing this journey with you online.
Come & See Ministries
An Indepedent Wesleyan Methodist Ministry
Founded For Two Reasons
1. To introduce Jesus Christ to honest "seekers" interested in knowing God better and offering understanding as to who Jesus is, explain His claims and illustrate His incredible love for you.
2. Assist believers, who already know God, to better understand, the principles of God’s Word and give practical suggestions as to how to apply them to daily life in a way gives peace and joy. Thomas Q. Robbins has a life-desire to help followers of Jesus Christ know Him better today than they did yesterday and experience the personal love of their Creator God.
Summary Of What We Are About:
The goal of the Come & See radio ministry and this website is to help people know God, not through guilt or fear, but through understanding and a deep sense of gratitude for what God has provided for us in Jesus Christ.
When an individual has such an appreciation for God’s love, it brings about faith, trust, and the security found in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit transforms that person into the very image of the Son. This experience brings joy, peace, hope and meaning to life, and gives eternal significance to every breath that we breathe. It's God’s will for every one of us to be forgiven and reconciled to Him in order to have the benefit of eternal fellowship with Him now and forever.
It is Dr. Thomas Q. Robbin's heartfelt desire to minister in the name of Jesus Christ and invite all to "Come and See" and experience the transforming power of the Savior, Jesus Christ, his forgiveness, redeeming power and acceptance of you -- just as you are right now no matter what your past might be.